Fractional CFO for Busy Startup Founders

Accelerate your growth with expert Finance and CFO services.

We act as your full range finance team, specialising in outsourced accounting, finance and CFO services.

Three people, two men and 1 woman, sitting next each other are in happy discussion


It is a logo of Soliteight in the shape of the number 8 in multiple colors, including ruby, red, dark brown, and light brown.
It is a logo of FundBox. In front of 'FundBox', there is an orange arrow sign pointing down.
It is a logo with a circle with dark background and the initial of the brand D, below the circle is the brand name Dynamic Hotels.
It is a logo of NoCode Institute. In front of the word Nocode, there's a sign says 'N' in blue background.
It is a logo of musiversal in black. In the front of the word 'musiversal' is a sign that symbalises waves in multiple layers.
It is a logo of foresight studio in small caps and studio is highlighted in red.

Why The Lean CFO?

✅ We are not a traditional consulting firm

We are more than consulting. 

We are your full-range finance team, making sure your company is tax compliant, keep your book in order, build your financial plan and budget and run your finance operations to provide you with financial insights for decision making.

✅ We are your Finance Team and CFO

We are a team of experienced finance operators, managers and CFOs. 

We become your full range finance team and CFO to support your business need and accelerate growth .

✅ Why choose our fractional Finance & CFO services?

Our top talent will work with your finance team or alone delivering accounting, finance manager and CFO services from beginning to end, ensuring you focus on what’s important to you — scaling your business.

We Make Scaling Easier

No more chaos and confusions.

We help you clear your financial doubts when running your business, so you can focus on scaling.

A woman in suit is giving a high five to her colleague with a big smile.
A man and a woman are discussing the content on a white board.
Build a financial foundation for scalable growth.

Build a strong foundation for financial health to give you the most security and speed.

✔️ Financial Structure

✔️ Cashflow

✔️ Profitability

✔️ Bookkeeping for accurate data

✔️ Investment allocation

What We Can Help?

✅ Bookkeeping Service

✅ Budgeting

✅ Financial Reporting

✅ Financial Planning

✅ Financial Modelling

✅ Financial Strategy

✅ Fundraising Strategy

✅ And more!

We grow your bottom line.


Net profit growth


Reduced Finance Team Costs

How We Work

Get to know you, your business and your requirements

Agree on the service, strategy and timeline

Determine costs and working methods

Start working as your finance team

Expertise in These Industries

We are entrepreneurs with deep expertise in many areas of digital businesses.

SaaS Business

B2B and B2C Software


B2B & B2C in Fintech


B2B & B2C for e-commerce & retail


Startups specialized in Education

Ready to Get Started?

Choose a plan fits to your needs. You can cancel anytime you want.

One-off Financial Advisory Service

Have a one-off need to 

run a ROI analysis

build a financial model, business plan or valuation? 

We have you covered and work on a project basis.

starting from €300

/ per project

Outsource your finance team to us!

We run your finance department, from 

bookkeeping, accounting, payroll services 

monthly financials

financial analysis, budgeting

AR&AP control 

private Slack channel

Commit to any hours you need. Cancel anytime.

starting from €1,500 

/ per month

We are your CFO!

Get your fractional CFO for collaboration with C-suite, and build

business plan 

financial planning & strategy 

fundraising strategy

liquidity & cashflow modelling

KPI/metrics setting & tracking, 

weekly support call

Commit to any hours you need. Cancel anytime.

starting from €2,000

/ per month

Have a specific need ?

A man wearing a yellow sweater is giving a thumb up with a happy face

"I've worked with Dawn from Lean CFO for the past two years, in which she has provided consulting services to my firm FundBox, delivering project valuations, financial forecast and presentations of investment cases. She has been a pleasure to work with, bringing her attention to detail to every project. Her communication and people skills are excellent, and she has never missed a deadline, however daunting. In the occasions in which what I said I wanted was not what I needed, she always pointed that out to me in the most pleasant manner."

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